Been doing a lot of design stuff lately and it's starting to feel a little aimless. I've really just needed to get actual story down to a concrete form to keep a sense of direction. I'm still not 100% happy with all of this, I like the start but the ending feels a little lackluster at the moment.
Beat Script-Character lies alone in hospital room. There are dead flowers at their bed side table.
-Darkness begins seeping through the walls, tentacles engulf the scene until they wrap around the bed, dragging the protagonist into blackness where darkness tears out their soul.
-Character awakes to find themselves in a strange landscape covered in giant black thorn like plants which wrap around themselves over and over. Feeling the emptiness inside themselves they begin to wander through this new world.
-Eventually the character comes across a set of footprints which they begin to follow.
-In a clearing stands another creature, similar to themselves with their back turned. As the protagonist approaches, this creature turns around, revealing that it is in fact faceless. It points up a hill to a nearby well.
-The main character approaches the well, looking into their own reflection to see a bright light and he voices of spirits callng out. The protagonist climbs in.
-Underwater, they swim to the surface finding themselves at the edge of a long river with mist rising from the water. They climb aboard a nearby raft and begin paddling.
-Eventually they come to a cove with a chest. Opening the chest releases the soul which is now reunited with the protagonist.
-The darkness doesn't take kindly to this defiance and purses the fleeing character.
-The sound of static, a beating heart and screams are set to a rapid montage interspersed by the protagonist being torn apart. This sequence comes to a sudden end, returning to the hospital room where all that is shown are the flowers at the bed side table which are no longer dead, but now fully alive.
StoryboardsThese are some storyboards I drew up, they are quite rough and were more intended as a way for me to sort out my ideas than to act as a comprehensive guide to how it's all going to be shot.
The ending hasn't been drawn up yet but will be added soon. Just thinking of the best way to do it.